Stock Code: GALCO10

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Galvanised Tanks Features

These features make our water tanks an ideal choice for your water storage needs:

  1. Wide range of sizes / Custom sizes
  2. Resistant to extreme climates
  3. Meets a variety of design standards
  4. Experienced engineering team
  5. Easy transportation

As the leading provider of galvanized water tanks in the industry, we are sure that our professional engineers stay abreast of all the latest industry specifications to ensure compliance on all our projects. To stay on the leading edge in the tank design and manufacturing industry, we follow a quality improvement process as well as a quality assurance team to ensure we deliver the product and customer service you expect from Galco. From design and materials to project management and erection, let Galco be your first choice in galvanized water tanks. Contact us today!

Galvanized steel tanks

Galco offers versatility of design galvanized steel tanks. The galvanized sheets that are used to construct the tank provide flexibility in design and ensure that the most demanding space restrictions can be accommodated.

Galvanized tanks are used in a variety of applications, such as:

  1. Potable Water Storage
  2. Fire Protection
  3. Irrigation
  4. Rainwater Harvesting
  5. Storm Water Retention
  6. Wastewater
  7. Agriculture
  8. Industrial Processing
  9. Aquaculture
  10. Thermal Storage
  11. Many other bulk storage needs

Why Hot Dip Galvanizing?

Hot-dip galvanized steel has been effectively used for more than 150 years. The value of hot-dip galvanizing stems from the relative corrosion resistance of zinc, which, under most service conditions, is considerably better than iron and steel. In addition to forming a physical barrier against corrosion, zinc, applied as a hot-dip galvanized coating, cathodically protects exposed steel. Furthermore, galvanizing for protection of iron and steel is favoured because of its low cost, the ease of application, and the extended maintenance-free service that it provides.



Galvanized steel tanks require compact and solid foundations due to their construction.


Galvanised steel tanks are very strong and will not bulge or warp since they are made from steel.


Steel tanks can be manufactured to higher capacities than poly tanks. Whereas poly tanks can be made to reliably store water up to around 50,000 litres, a steel tank can be constructed to store up to around 300,000 litres.

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